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The course will provide an overview of fundamental concepts and algorithms in machine learning. Mathematical and coding exercises will be provided to deepen understanding of these concepts and algorithms. The topics include:

Course format

We will interleave lecture and coding. We will use Google colab as the platform to do exercises.


Course Policy


Naming rules: for example, for exercise1, you may have: firstname-lastname-ex1.ipynb

Email: Please make sure the files are named correctly as specified above.

Choose three exercise files in total to submit, at least one of them should be from optimization part. Please do not submit anything from the NN part, as the answers were already provided.

Email subject line: Firstname-Lastname-CWMweek7

Please include the links to access your file in your email, so make sure your file is authorized to view for anyone with the link.


At the end of each day, before leaving, please ask the instructor or TAs to review your completed exercises. After that, please sign the attendance sheet.

Assignments should be completed individually, however, discussion is encouraged.


  1. Lunch break: 11:50 am - 1:20 pm

  2. Weds afternoon


We will go through the following content in 5 days. We will use [google colab] as a platform for exercises.

NOTE 1: for each colab file below, you should make a copy in your own google drive to edit & run.

NOTE 2: some questions are “optional”—you are suggested but not required to do.

NOTE 3: Students registering for the Week 7 session should not work on the exercises below without prior notice, as there might be significant updates.

Course Intro & background review


Neural networks
